New Ribbon Foil Corrugation Machine in our Lab!
Finally, after a very long wait (I mean, very long wait!) I have received two custom designed ribbon foil corrugation machines for our microphone workshop. These tools are real monsters! Customs-made brass gears, aviation grade bearings and pressure adjustment mechanism - all of these feature are packed in the neat looking anodized aluminum chassis. Each unit comes with two gear sets for different corrugation densities.
The first prompt test have shown the dramatic increase in ribbon quality comparing to a manual processing with two plastic gears.
I am very eager to dedicated some time to finding the proper adjustments for the best possible aluminum foil processing quality and to involve these great tools in our everyday ribbon motor production work. These units cost a ton, but even now, after some very prompt experiments, I am sure that it is the one of the best investments I've done for my ribbon microphone R&D and manufacturing workshop.

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